PLANET ARGON is my Google

03 May 2006

Late breaking news (I really need to speak to my publishing staff about getting these out on time): Monday, May 1st was my first day as part of the great team at PLANET ARGON. Everyone extended themselves to get me up to speed on the working of the company. And, in truly classy fashion, the company treated us to a team welcome lunch on my behalf.

I am delighted and honored to be working with these dedicated, enthusiastic, highly skilled and intelligent folks. Innovation in web applications in general and Rails in particular is occuring at such a rapid pace and PLANET ARGON is committed to being in the thick of it. On the day I started, if you pulled up google search, typed 'ruby rails development hosting', and hit I'm Feeling Lucky, it would send you straight to the PLANET ARGON website. I'm here to contribute all my expertise to these endeavors, and I expect to learn a tremendous amount along the way.

So, it may seem odd to compare a small company in Portland, OR to that giant of search engines, etc. but here's the connection: People I know who aspire to work at Google do so because of the company's perceived technological innovation and excellence. And that's the connection for me. The PLANET ARGON team is pursuing innovation and excellence in application design, development processes, project management, training and more. I was certain I wanted to be a part of the action.

Now boarding for PLANET ARGON. Stay tuned and I'll fill you in on the adventures.