Pardon my dust

03 October 2006

And now for a public service announcement…

Over the past month I’ve made a lot of changes to my VPS. Plug for Quantact, they’ve been great. Actually, I almost never talk to them. Which is just the way I like it; means everything is running fine.

So, a few highlights if you’re interested:

  • Debian 3.1 to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake.
  • lighttpd+fcgi to lighttpd+mod_proxy
  • lighttpd+mod_proxy to nginx
  • Typo to Mephisto

You probably haven’t noticed much but the last one. Hopefully I didn’t put any wrinkles in your day. I’ve been using Feedburner almost since the beginning of this blog. That feed has been updated and I believe is working. I’ve set up a route for the old Typo-style URLs so your links should not break. I’ll be getting tag based feeds going as soon as I can. And I’ll lovingly replace this awful default Mephisto theme. Justin Palmer is awesome, but I think he stubbed his big toe with this one. (Oops, the Hemingway theme is by Kyle Neath. Sorry Justin.)

I’ll post soon about setting up Mephisto in svk and svn, thanks to inspiration from Octoblog. Actually, double thanks, since Octopod inspired me to set up my VPS in the beginning.